High-Capacity Cycling Refrigerated Air Dryer

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AES Series Energy Saving Refrigerated Air Dryer 600 - 10,000 scfm

Aircel RTM Series

AES Series - a dryer that precisely matches power usage to inlet air demand. AES dryers automatically modulate the refrigeration compressor on and off, delivering significant power and energy savings to your bottom line.

Load %Energy ConsumptionPower (kW)Energy Savings (kW)Yearly Savings
100% 100% 13.10 -- --
75% 79% 10.21 2.88 $ 2,524
50% 55% 7.20 5.89 $ 5,162
25% 34% 4.32 8.77 $ 7,686
0% 10% 1.31 11.79 $ 10,325

Based on AES-2000; Cost of power: $0.10 kWh; 8,760 operating hours

  • Features
  • How it Works
  • Brochure
  • Easy-to-Read Pressure Gauges 2.5” air inlet pressure, air inlet temperature, suction pressure, and discharge pressure let you immediately see what is happening in the dryer
  • Air-to-Air Heat Exchanger Utilizes outgoing air to cool the incoming air, providing additional energy savings
  • High Efficiency Separator Removes 99% of bulk water while increasing dryer reliability
  • 4” LCD Touch Screen Ethernet connection ready screen displays energy savings feedback, hours saved, instantaneous load, alarms, status, and more
  • Air-to-Refrigerant Heat Exchanger Each plate creates turbulent flow, providing a self-cleaning effect that provides corrosion resistance and increases longevity
  • Digital Scroll Compressor Loads and unloads immediately to match inlet air system demand from 10% to 100%
  • Zero Loss Condensate Drain Pneumatically operated demand drains waste no compressed air
  1. Saturated, compressed air enters the system and moves into the pre-cooler/reheater (A), where it is pre-cooled by the cold outgoing air.
  2. The air is then directed through the air to refrigerant heat exchanger (B), where it is cooled to 38°F by the refrigeration system.
  3. The cold, saturated air flows into the three-stage separator (C), where liquids are removed from the air and ejected from the system via the Aircel condensate drain (D).
  4. The cold, dry air is then reheated by the incoming warm air (E) before leaving the dryer.

Dimensions (in.)

Model NumberCapacityVoltageConnection (FLG)Weight (lbs)HeightWidthDepthRefrigerantAir-Cooled kW (full load)Max. PressureNominal Ref HP Installed [(quantity) size]Optional Voltage Ratings
AES-600 600 460-3-60 3” NPT 645 45 34 45 R-404a 5.48 232 3
AES-800 800 3” NPT 805 48 38 54 6.55 4
AES-1000 1,000 3” NPT 810 48 38 54 7.81 5
AES-1250 1,250 3” NPT 860 48 38 54 9.49 6
AES-1500 1,500 4” 1,650 84 58 41 11.49 7.5
AES-1750 1,750 4” 2,250 84 58 41 14.88 10
AES-2000 2,000 4” 2,300 84 58 41 17.53 10
AES-2500 2,500 6” 2,370 52 114 65 18.98 (2) 6
AES-3000 3,000 6” 3,980 110 124 44 22.98 (2) 7.5
AES-3500 3,500 6” 5,180 110 124 44 29.75 (2) 10
AES-4000 4,000 6” 5,258 110 124 44 35.06 (2) 10
AES-4500 4,500 8” 6,408 102 186 44 36.46 (3) 7.5
AES-5250 5,000 8” 8,208 102 186 44 46.63 (3) 10
AES-6000 6,000 8” 8,358 102 186 44 54.58 (3) 10
AES-7000 7,000 10” 11,623 109 247 44 59.50 (4) 7.5
AES-8000 8,000 10” 11,823 109 247 44 70.11 (4) 10
AES-8750 9,000 12” 15,528 111 308 47 74.38 (5) 7.5
AES-10000 10,000 12” 15,778 111 308 47 87.64 (5) 10

The System That Expands With You

As your plant conditions grow and change, the AES Series is able to expand with you. Increase drying power with modular units, configured in 500 and 1,000 scfm increments to precisely match your air flow demand from 10% to 100%.

Interface up to five modular dryers with isolation valves to expand drying capability. These modular systems provide back-up drying and lower pressure drop without increasing power consumption.

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